
If you want to start your own business as a cat sitter, you usually only need one thing: a trade license. That's it. Does that do justice to the animals? No, of course not. Is it fair to the owners who want to put their cat in qualified hands? You guessed the answer, no, it will not. There are simply no defined standards for this profession in Germany.

And since these do not exist, it is up to the professionals in the industry to do something. Agnes Hanning, founder and owner of the cat-sitting agency Miez & Maunz, which has been successful since 2017, has therefore teamed up with other experts and developed a series of seminars that build on each other. On the one hand, to convey broad knowledge - be it about basic principles of cat behavior, about interaction with the animals, about medical issues, but also about self-employment itself, i.e. business set-up, as well as questions about profitability, leadership of employees and customer management. And on the other hand, with the aim of increasing the professional opportunities of prospective cat sitters by enabling them to prove to their clients that they have undergone further training and learned from professionals.

But of course we also have exciting and informative seminars for the owner.

All is well! Or not?

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Just play, right?

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Professional cat sitting as a profession

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Professional cat sitting as a profession

Professional cat sitting - but properly

Just play, right?

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